Monday, November 12, 2012

Fall is Leaving

wild turkeys in the back field

pin oak

maple trees around the house

reading corner

looking into the garden from the road

crape myrtles are turning

Velvet napping

looking towards the back of the garden

looking from the back towards the front

backyard color

our fence line in back

cannas still blooming

dogwood and maple trees in side yard

looking up the maple tree

rhododendron still blooming

Mom's camellias blooming

The last couple of weekends have been fantastic, in the 70s with lots of sun.  We have sure gotten a lot done in the garden and are just about ready for winter.


  1. Your garden looks lovely as it gets ready for a nice nap. So peaceful.

  2. Oh Sandy, you have the most amazing property. You must just love it!!!! Everything is so lovely there.

    I loved your little Bumblebee Bella : )
    sending hugs...
