Tuesday, May 15, 2012

One Project Down

The seating area is finished in the back of the garden.  Now we can move onto other projects, cleaning up and weeding.  Sure seems never ending at times.

everything is planted and trimmed

Bella's new bench
Jennifer gave me for Mother's Day

we can enjoy listing to the water
in the stock tank

view from behind
looking towards the flower garden

Bella's new swing Mom got her
Stella d'oros are in full bloom

We had a very nice Saturday temperature wise and managed to get the shed cleaned out and better organized.  I had plans to dig holes for our telephone poles but the forecast said rain early in the afternoon. We headed out early in the morning and about that time it started sprinkling so we worked in the shed and got the truck loaded for the dump.  

Sunday was a very wet day.  The rain finally moved in late Saturday evening and by the time Monday morning arrived our rain gauge had 6 1/2" of rain in it.  We had puddles where we've never had puddles before.  Thank goodness we are on top of a hill.  Now we are back in the 80s and sunny starting today through the weekend. Hopefully it will stay that way and we can get a lot done in the garden.


  1. Sandy, I love your new sitting area. It is
    so pretty and comfortable looking, just need
    a good book. Love you all. Aunt Zelda

  2. Since we have been getting rain, weeding is now on my list........sigh. I just love your stock tank pond!

  3. Your seating area is great and I love the water garden in the stock tank. Everything is looking good!
