But first lets enjoy the mums starting to bloom. Caught these at Walmart as they were unloading for 98 cents each. Beautiful lavender mums by our garden gate.

2 cast iron kettles full

our very embarrassing weedy garden
my work in progress every Saturday morning
hoping for rain every Friday night!

made progress this past Saturday
weeded and moved hostas from
behind Alan's shop to their new home

I re-weeded the little pond area and
started down the row weeding and
moving plants as needed

big white birdhouse with rotted
foundation - killed all the termintes
and yellow jackets - now for a new
bottom and to get it back on it's post

new telephone pole piece found on the side of the road
got it planted and concreted in this past weekend
it's behind the stock tank and will have an
old mailbox on it for fish food, etc
After the rain Labor Day weekend it was a joy to work in the garden this past weekend. The temps were in the 70s and the weeds came right on out. It didn't seem to matter how far down we dug the ground was still moist. I really need to win the lottery so I can stay home and work in the garden every day. Those pesky weeds wouldn't stand a chance then. haha