Thursday, March 31, 2011

Beauty in Blooms

redbud tree

white lilacs out growing and out showing
the french purple lilac

pond plants coming alive

wood violets

rose champion coming on strong
under the pine tree - their favorite place

Mom's new star magnolia

tiger lilies coming along very very well

march rose
appears to love it's new home

clementis' all sprouting

We've had rain most days this week but the temps are climbing back up. Can't wait for the weekend to get here. Our to do list is getting longer and longer and then Bella smiles and who thinks of the to do list - surely not us.


  1. Hi Sandy,
    It's all looking glorious in your corner of the planet today. BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!
    sending hugs

  2. Everything looks wonderful! My lilacs are still in bud. I love rose campion and have a bunch of it in my garden. I love the color contrast. :o)

  3. How pretty everything looks! Send some rain here?? We have been so dry! Have a good week. blessings, Kathleen

  4. Isn't spring the most glorious thing? Loved seeing your blooms especially the white lilacs as I don't have any.~~Dee
