Please join me in a tour of our winter garden as I shuffle around in Mom's new rubber boots. She found these on clearance at Ross' and they are wonderful. I've got to get me a pair.

Enter Our Winter Wonderland

our garden gate

the magnolia tree looked fabulous

bird cage by back patio

chubby robin waiting for Wild Cat to finish
so he could eat

chubby's friends weren't so confident
they chose to wait higher up

neighbor's barn at edge of our flower garden

butterfly house

basket hanging at back edge of garden

swing with a cold seat

bench with an even colder seat

little pond in garden

birdhouse in the reading corner of the garden

back patio swing
Last Wednesday we got snow, 3 inches of this gorgeous stuff and the roads were horrible. I took a vacation day, stayed home and played. By Wednesday afternoon the main roads were clear and the back roads were starting to slush up. By Thursday afternoon everything was back to normal. It seems like we have had more snow this year than ever before. They said this is our normal only we haven't had normal for the last several years. Here's hoping normal doesn't visit us again any time soon.
Our own state groundhog, Chattanooga Chuck, is predicting no early spring and lots more winter. What a major dud!