Thursday, June 3, 2010

Lilies for Thursday

Our wild orange daylilies have started blooming this week and look fabulous, orange everywhere you look.

the row by the driveway
we have a matching row on the other side of the garden

garden side of driveway row looking towards my reading corner

more at the edge of my reading corner inside the garden

around the tree in the front yard
we also have the front ditch next to the road full

When we started our flower garden we had a patch of these daylilies at the edge of our property in the ditch. We dug them up and planted a long row on either side of the flower garden and around my reading corner. We then started moving them further along the ditch until it became full and around the tree in the front yard at the corner of the driveway and ditch. They are beautiful in full bloom.


  1. Very pretty, Sandy! My daylillies have not yet gotten buds on them so we're a bit behind you but I do love when they bloom!

  2. The garden looks so lush, Sandy! Hopefully the county will see those are flowers, and not mow them down!

  3. Oh my goodness..can I come to your garden for a visit? :) Absolutely beautiful! Lilies! I think I could supply the county if I lifted mine and separated them..right now, the Stella de Oro are showing off..I purchased 2 new varieties this year that had buds, so they are beautiful right now but will be even better next year. If you can believe, I didn't even like lilies a few years ago.
