Wednesday, April 14, 2010

White Wednesday

More beautiful white blooms from our garden for this White Wednesday post.

white spirea up close

white spirea
severely trimmed back last fall
I never noticed how crooked our birdhouse looked

french lilac - white/pale lavender

french lilac, corner of garden by barn

rose champions
coming back strong again this year

white lilac up close

white lilac bush
corner of garden by 2nd drive way

The smell of the white lilacs is every bit as sweet and strong as our old fashioned purple lilacs, heavenly to be sure.

Many thanks to Kathleen at Faded Charm for hosting White Wednesdays. Head on over to her blog for more fabulous White Wednesday participants.


  1. Beautiful white flowers! I sure wish I had some of those white lilacs.


  2. Oh I love you white lilac bush. I've never heard of a white spirea before. I have many different varieties, but all of mine have some shade of pink bloom. Very pretty photos.

    Hope you had a nice day.

