Take A Tour Through Our Garden Gate
I picked this piece of iron work up at the flea market several years ago for Mom's Christmas present and one of my brothers made it into a gate for our garden. Just perfect.
Old iron mail box post we picked up at a yard sale. The lady ended up giving us this post plus several front porch posts she no longer wanted. We have them scattered throughout the garden for our clemetis vines.

Mom's friend Nancy gave us this beautiful fairy rose. It is a fantastic bloomer.
Bench for resting under the redbud tree.
Red Hot Pokers making a come back.

Old tub that has now become a zinna planter on top of a bird feeder tray. We were having trouble with the wild turkeys coming to eat and they did not stop with the bird seed. The seedlings are coming up very plentiful. Should be beautiful when they start blooming.

Pink Spirea Bush
You have such a beautiful garden, with such unique ornaments and treasures. I'm in love with your gate!