Friday, June 26, 2009

Around Our Garden

Different things we have sitting around the garden plus more daylilies.

End of old iron chair propped again a planted telephone pole. A guy from work was throwing this away and I rescued it. The slats were nothing but rot and we threw them out and placed the 2 ends around the garden. Concrete doves are at the top of the pole and a clematis was on the other side climbing the trellis. It bit the dust this year.

two tone day lilies

big sun dial at end of new peony bed

dark hot pink daylily - we have a couple of these plants all in different shades of pink

small sun dial in center of garden

lavender daylily - we have several of these also in different shades

hanging gazebo by pond garden

spider daylilies by pond garden

iron work on fence post at back of garden with hanging wire basket



  1. Beautiful garden.


  2. I especially like the home place with the lilies in front.

    Aunt Zelda
