Water Garden

this summer
so pretty and Bella loves the fish

Thanksgiving weekend bargain
to clean the bottom of the stock tank

cleaned and ready for winter
Lowe's had that ShopVac on sale Thanksgiving weekend. After Bella's parents got home from work I ran right down there to buy mine and don't you know there had already sold out. The guy said they couldn't get them unloaded fast enough since it was such a great bargain, regular $79.99 and on sale for $29.99. I called 3 other stores before I found one and they offered to hold it for me so off I went to get it.
I used it this past weekend since we had rain coming for a couple of days and that way the tank could get refilled after I cleaned it. That is the most fun I've had in the garden in a long time. It works like a charm.
Supposed to be close to 70 today and more rain tomorrow so I will be playing with the ShopVac once again.