Stock Tank Heaven

I finally bit the bullet and went to TSC
for a 6' round stock tank for our new water garden
side with Japanese & Louisiana Iris
we are rooting some of Grandma Belcher's
hydrangeas which will go on the other side
more rocks are on my list for Lowe's to
finish this flower bed
elephant ears I was excited to find 1/2 price
at a nursery we went to last weekend

then went to Home Depot and darned if they
hadn't gotten in a new shipment of black
elephant ears for the same price and much bigger plants
also have plenty of water iris blooming and
3 bags of hornwort sunk on the bottom

metal crane and porcelain fish I
caught on sale at Hobby Lobby
orange cord hanging in the back is for
the bug zapper which has sure made
it more pleasurable to sit outside

impatiens doing very well
they get late morning and early afternoon sun
seem to like the water staying in the bottom
of the pot all the time
caught the pots on clearance at Target
looking from the back of the tank
towards our swing we are enjoying once again
I built a ledge of concrete blocks so the fish could swim through and put a stepping stone on top for the flower pots with impatiens to sit on. I did the same for the elephant ears, fish and crane around the edges of the tank. I wanted plenty of places for the goldfish to hide since we have cats roaming around. I also put 2 water wigglers on the ledge to help control any mosquito problem we might have with this much water. It only took 2 days before we had tadpoles swimming around although there are not that many anymore since I put in 4 goldfish Saturday.
The bug has bit, where or where can I put another one and how many can I fit in our gardens. Won't Mom be thrilled!