Monday, September 14, 2009

Around the House & Garden

We still have a few blooms around the house and garden but they are sure disappearing fast. Fall is on the way. The mornings are so enjoyable with the cooler temps now although night sure comes a lot quicker than last month.

purple ivy leaf geranium by the back door -- will stay beautiful until frost

birdbath base we found at Home Depot on clearance - perfect for our little top in the fireplace garden next to our house

annabelle hydrangea still hanging on in the backyard

scarecrow chimes we have in the red daylily bed at the back corner of the flower garden

the water hyacinths have multipled so well in our little pond - now to see if I get a bloom before frost


1 comment:

  1. Hi Sandy,
    Thank you so much for coming by. When I spotted that beautiful birdbath I thought that your birds must think themselves very lucky. I love the beautiful lines. Your roses in your previous post are lovely and are still giving you so many blooms.
